Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Little Morning Humor

This morning as the cat parade was going out the door to the patio, my mom's dog Candy decided to sheppard them along, she was focused on nosing the kitten along the floor when he bolted for the Christmas tree. That's right the beautiful tree is off limits fully decorated. Up the tree he went followed by Candy. Mom standing there having fits trying to catch him and shooing Candy away. I put Candy outside with cats to play and go to the tree. I see the baby already on the Tree Skirt with his prize "toy" After all he stole it from the tree almost from the top. It was a red bell, the kind found on reindeer collars. It was just the right size to fit in his mouth. He wasn't letting go either. His little baby teeth had it and was shaking it and batting it between his dainty little paws. I stole it back and presented it to mom to return to tree. And the cat parade was completely outside safe from future thefts of pretty ornaments.

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