Saturday, November 20, 2010

Raising money for our Ranches to help our Communities

This is helps us build the ranches within months instead of years.

Since most hiring managers are using the work “NO” so often ~ let’s solve the problem ourselves.I need a few aggressive entrepreneurial spirited individuals in NY and Texas who want to work from home, want to own and manage their own business right now, don’t want to pay anything up front for it, want a complete corporate support and training team behind them, want a complete veterans support team behind them, and want to start working today/tonight ~ next week.

I’ve been working with the managers of a company to forge a veteran (military, guard, reserve, retired, spouses, family members too) specific opportunity that veteran’s can begin working at immediately. This is truly unique in that, the company is now able and willing to back you up with complete training and tools as well as a complete corporate support element (back office) and we’re going to continue to back you up through other veterans who want to support you, others who are passionate about supporting veterans and all the abilities of our group and our networks.

This opportunity is open to everyone interested.

Mike and Christi

The Energy Industry that controls the rates for Electric and Natural Gas is a regulated industry. It has just been opened up for other markets to compete for the customers business as far as the rates go.

Now if you currently live in Texas or New York they have been given a publicized choice as to what rates they pay. Their service provider stays the same, emergency contact numbers stay the same, nothing changes for them except they get a lower bill and a rebate check every month from going with my company.

For every residential and commercial business that goes with my company, I'll get the link later today, they get a guaranteed 7% reduction in their bill plus a rebate check every month. In Texas they can guarantee it for up to 5 years. Whoever gets that customer to do this also gets a monthly check and a bonus. The bigger the electric bill, the bigger the monthly check. All customer bonuses are cumulative. If you get 25 active members sign up for you, you also get an expense account that gives you a check every month.

What this means for me is when anyone signs up under my link, my ranch gets a monthly check. Our goal is raise $6 million dollars by January to purchase 4 ranches and hire employees. This is very possible in just 1 month!

This way unemployed vets can become self employed and other unemployed people can become self employed and raise their spirits too. The bonus of a lowed utility bill and growing our economy the healthy way.

Who is with me? Contact me if interested in getting a paycheck.


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