Monday, February 28, 2011

Lease to Own w/profit sharing and Contract for deeds...

Lease to Own w/profit sharing and Contract for deeds...If you know anyone willing to accept please connect us. I'm open to comments, suggestions, and questions...
Sample Contract for deed terms:

Ranch Offer 

It works out great for all parties. The bank accepts these terms, then everyone gets guaranteed money. The bank must accept these terms as well so they know I will be making the payments instead of you. 

The entire folio deeds in their entirety ___ acres mol. 

Interest only payments of ___mo at 4% @ 10 years although we estimate the payoff to be inside 2 years. This gives us time to advertise, repair, and begin servicing clients. You get to retire and live comfortably without drawing it all out. You can be assured all animals will be well cared for and live comfortably. 

An escrow account to be set up at the bank currently holding the mortgage for all parcels. All monthly payments will be made to the bank via the escrow account. This is non negotiable. You will be paid every month from this escrow account as will the bank. When the terms of the contract are satisfied the entire ranch transfers ownership to me. If in the event of a default the ranch is still yours. The bank can not foreclose on the ranch while it is in escrow. They are happy because payments are made regularly and on time to cover the terms of the mortgage. 

There will be no money down to you as it all goes into the escrow account. You get paid regularly every month from this agreement. It's a WIN/WIN for everyone involved. Everyone who is living on the ranch is out at closing so I can come in and begin fixing, advertising, and assessing priorities. 

Purchase price for ___ acres mol, includes easement if any. $___ total 

First min payment due April 1, 2011, or 45 days after close, and thereafter Min monthly (interest only) 

We are ready to begin drawing up the contract with these terms and ready to begin operating directly after closing. Closing can be when the bank accepts these terms and we open an escrow account at the bank holding the mortgage. All customers, clients and any money coming into the ranch after closing will belong to Wildcat's Sanctuary and Ranch.

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